Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grizzly Man

This movie, Grizzly Man, is about a man who was once and addiction to drugs and turned his life over for the love of bear. Ever since he stop doing drugs, he started to get into bears. He spent his summers in Alaska with the bears 13 different summers. Watching his movie, he documented them himself, he was alone and only happen to make friends with the foxes only. He followed some bears around and new ones. It's a very sad and good movie first of all. From being a drug addiction to having love of bears is a big change and a risk to take.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Images

" Beauty And The Snow " is what I happen to call this photo. I really like
the beauty of nature itself, also that its a tree. The snow on the image shows
how nature changes from summer, spring, fall and into snow. Very beautiful =]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Remember Me, Love

This is one of my favorite that I fixed so far. I fixed this
photo with another program ands also, edited the writing
in Adobe Photo shop. I didn't do much but I guess it turned
out alright.